discovery green

Art Installations at Discovery Green

For the past few years, Discovery Green in downtown Houston has supported a variety of art installations. Enchanted Promenade is a collection of giant peony bouquets lit up by color-changing LEDs.  The Enchanted Promenade is on view until February 23, 2017, so be sure to go check it out before its gone!

enchanted promenade discovery green houston
enchanted promenade discovery green houston
enchanted promenade discovery green houston

Before the Super Bowl came into town, Discovery Green housed another installation. It was called Firmament by Christopher Schardt, who is known for his art installations at Burning Man.  Firmament was a large canopy of LED lights that continuously changed along with a musical track. 

firmament discovery green houston
firmament discovery green houston

There's always something good at Discovery Green.  Be sure to check back in with Discovery Green's website to see what their latest installations are!

Sneaking Around Downtown


Every year around Thanksgiving, Linda, Kim and I have a day together pursuing adventure and art.  One year,  we filled a red phone booth with pink balloons, had a photoshoot and watched as passersby smiled at the sight.  Another year, we made paper cranes for Kim's Christmas Tree.  It's a fun tradition that we now call Day of Magic.

This year, we drew inspiration from looking at hashtagged photos of Houston.  We found several photos taken from amazing heights and vantage points.  Thus began our search for rooftops around downtown.

To start, we had a short jaunt around Bruce Munro's Field of Light in Discovery Green.  Since Linda is a budding photographer, I had a few short lessons with her on long exposures and using a tripod.  

We then "snuck" into a rooftop lounge of the Hilton that gave us exactly the kind of view we were looking for.  We hung out for a bit, while I got some wonderful shots of the city along with some great timelapses.